Debate-Inspired Online PD Series
The purpose of the 2020-21 Debate-Inspired Classrooms Online PD series is to provide educators with:
Tools, strategies, and insights to foster classroom community and student voice, argumentation, and collaboration in a remote and hybrid learning setting.
Connection to a community of educators engaged in this practice.
The structure of the PD series is designed to give educators a chance to try out strategies and approaches as learners, and debrief as educators. It privileges teachers being leaders as well as learners, and sharing expertise and insights with each other.
Most sessions are 60 minutes, while some that feature activities that require more time will be 90 minutes. A typical PD session may include:
Welcome & Brief Community Builder
Hands-On Debate-Inspired Activity OR Teacher Panel Discussion
Debrief & Connections to Practice
Research skills for debate and Beyond
Criminal Justice reform overview
Student-led activism
Policy Debate